Build up and not tear down
Let’s heed the call to build up not tear down
The second quarter of the year is marked by the observances of days calling attention to urgent degenerating aspects of the earth and its environment. This is universal in its appeal cutting across countries around the globe – Environment Day, Earth Day, Earth Hour, and so on. All of these observances point us to one central focus – This wondrous and magical creation of God Almighty is gifted to us humans to live and enjoy and inhabit. But sadly humanity is so depraved and blinded in its self satisfying pursuit that man failed to see the precious worth of this universe and we continue to plunder and pillage it in a multitude of ways through gross negligence, utter disregard for nature and wreck the delicate balance in the ecosystem. Selfish and lucrative dreams and aspirations of humans are erected on the devastating destruction and erosion of the environment, polluting it and contaminating it to a level where nature struggles to cohabit with humans…
- Mr. T.P Varghese, Assisi Nagar, April 01, 2022
- Mr. K. V. Oommachen, Ghatkopar, July 25, 2022
- Mr. M.G. Cherian, Assisi Nagar, September 19, 2022
- Mrs. Molly Thomas, Central Chembur I, October 31, 2022
- Mr. Varghese Chacko, Central Chembur II, November 10, 2022
- Mrs Rachel Thomas, Cheddanagar, December 9, 2022
- Mstr. Noah John, son of Mr. K John Abraham and Mrs. Sasha John was baptized on August 15 2022
Please pray for the child to have a good spiritual initiation through baptism.

Sunday School New Academic Year 2022
Teacher’s dedication was held at the holy communion service on 30th January 2022 before beginning the new academic year class sessions. Our virtual Sunday School classes reopened on 6th February 2022, post our short Christmas holiday break.
By the grace of God we have 6 new additions to our Sunday school teachers group for the academic year 2022. Three of these new teachers have recently graduated from the Prouda class group of Sunday School and it is an inspiration to see our young minds take up this divine responsibility alongside their own academic schedules. It is indeed a blessing to see this progressive shift in our Sunday school teaching team which is shepherding our precious children during the early years of their spiritual life.

Senior Citizens’ Felicitation

We Welcome Our New Members
- Mr. Georgekutty V C and fly. Assisi Nagar area
- Mr. Cibin V Charley and fly. Anushaktinagar area
- Mr. Daniel Mathews and fly. Anushaktinagar area
Harit Mela cum Eco-Exhibition
On 19th October, 2022, Marthoma School Maharashtra held an Eco-friendly Exhibition Cum Harit Mela. The main motive to organize such a fair of greenery was to create awareness in the minds of people and the students to conserve and preserve our mother earth and to keep it safe for our next generations to come. This exhibition was held in association with the members of ecological commission of Mar Thoma Church Mumbai Diocese.
The presiding member of this exhibition was the manager of Mar Thoma School Maharashtra, Rev. Dr. John George. His enthusiasm and love for nature made the programme successful on a large scale. The chief guest of the programme was Rev. Dr. John Joseph. He is one of the most senior priests in Marthoma Church. He achieved Ph.D in chemistry at present he is leading Mumbai Diocese as the Bishop’s secretary and Diocesan Secretary. He is also the secretary of the Ecological Commission of Mar Thoma Church, Mumbai. He addressed the audience with a very inspiring message. The event was witnessed by eco-activists – Rev. Godson Samuel and Biji Lamas.
Rev. Godson Samuel has taken the mission to grow Palmyra tree which is vanishing so fast. He has made use of the tubers which are edible. He made different drinks like Neera and Toddy. Rev. Godson. Semuel wants to convert Mumbai into a ‘Palm Bay’ by growing over 1 lakh Palmyra trees over the next few years. Another eminent activist present was Ms. Kshama Elizabeth John who has many articles published on ecology in various periodicals and has held many awareness classes for youngsters and women. She is an expert in Kitchen gardening too. Rev. Dr. John George himself is an eco-activist his topic of thesis was integrating Ecovision in Pastoral Ministry. he has specialized in food production and waste management. He practiced his Ecovision in different parishes. He is rightly called the green priest.
Guests were welcomed by a Bharatnatyam dance performance by the students of Mar Thoma School Maharashtra a depicting the five elements of the nature. Harit Garba was performed by the students to for ecological awareness.
The exhibition was divided into three segments focusing on three different themes. First segment showed the past rural life of people which was pollution-free and full of serenity. Second theme projected the concept of fall of creation which was caused by Modernization and technology and the third theme upheld the concept of Restoration which focused on the awareness and work of every individual to protect nature and conserve resource. Students presented the themes through working models. The manager of Mar Thoma School Maharashtra encouraged the students to grow kitchen plants and to feel proud by being a producer.
Pottery was presented in this exhibition to make the people aware of the productive aspect of mother earth. Children enjoyed interacting with him and they made pots. Organic products like soap, hair oils face packs were made and exhibited by the teachers of the school. The fair had creativity corner too. Children made many things out of waste upholding the message of creating, ‘Best Out of Waste’
The exhibition allowed parents and other enthusiasts to sell their home made products to promote healthy and hygienic food and other creativity.
Drawing competition was also held for which many other school children were invited to showcase their talent. The Harit Mela Cum Eco-Exhibition has achieved great acknowledgement and recognition.
Please see the photo gallery for pictures of the event!
Worship Service
Holy Communion in Malayalam
Holy Communion in Malayalam
Holy Communion in English
Holy Communion in Malayalam
Combined Divine Service
At 8:00am every Sunday at the Church
Meets every Sunday after the Church Service
Meets for practice every Saturday at 7:30 PM at the Church premises
Fasting Prayer on Thursdays at 10 AM & Fellowship Meetings on Fridays at 7:30 PM
1st Tuesday of every month for prayer & fellowship
Has regular fellowship meetings on the 2nd & 4th Sunday of every month immediately after the worship service
Prayer Groups
The parish has 11 Prayer Groups under the leadership of the Vicar. Members living in the areas meet together regularly on Saturday / Sunday at 5pm or 7pm, for Prayer, Bible Study & Sharing

Umeed Foundation
The Umeed Cancer Care Centre provides support to outstation Cancer Patients and their families, most of who are from very underprivileged backgrounds. Our focus is to provide residential accommodation, free food and conveyance from the Hospital to the Centre for patients and their relatives. The Centre, which can accommodate 20 patients and their attendants, is located in a house of about 600 sq. ft. having ground + first floor at Paylipada, Trombay.

Mar Thoma School, Maharashtra
K-10 English Medium School based on State Board Syllabus
Mar Thoma Syrian Church, Chembur started the Mar Thoma School Maharashtra in the year 1982 with K.G. classes having a strength of 12 students under the headship of Rt. Rev. Joseph Mar Barnabas Episcopa (then Rev. Joseph Jacob, parish vicar) and Mrs. Renee Joseph. Our first batch of SSC students appeared to the board exam in March 1996.
The present school building was inaugurated on 15th November 2002. The school under the guidance of governing council and committed teachers continued to grow steadily and gradually into a full–fledged secondary school having a current strength of 1700 students up to Class X.
Visit the School Website here.

Health Outreach Programme
Medical Dispensary
The Edavaka Mission of Chembur Parish runs a medical dispensary at Shivaji Nagar – one of the biggest and densely populated slum communities in Mumbai. Most of the population consists of immigrants from UP and Bihar who live in pathetic social and economic conditions.
This dispensary is operational entirely with the support of doctors and volunteers from the Parish. The dispensary sees high patient turnover and operates within a premises provided by the Municipal Corporation.

Paratwada Congregation
Evangelical Outreach Program
Chembur Parish Edavaka Mission takes joy & pride to be entrusted with the responsibility of connecting with God’s children in the Paratwada region of Vidharbha. The Paratwada Mission is a part of the evangelical outreach program of the Mumbai Diocese. Paratwada, in Amravati District, is not a well-developed region. Many parts of the region are known to deprivation, natural resources are scarce, farm activities are subdued due to low rainfall and regular draught conditions.
The mission was elevated as a Congregation recently. However, Chembur Parish remains connected to the families through regular exchange programs, for fellowship, interactions & bonding in the love of our Good Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. As this small congregation grows in the coming years, we remain committed to be a part of their journey of enhancing their social well-being.