Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old,
he will not depart from it.
- Proverbs 22:6

Sunday School is an integral part of Chembur Mar Thoma Syrian Church. With the formal inauguration of the Mar Thoma Sunday School Samajam at the Maramon Convention in 1905, Sunday Schools have turned out to be a prime part of our church. The Sunday School Samajam works with the motto: ‘Come To Jesus Bring Every Child To Jesus’ and also plays a significant role in the spiritual growth and renewal in the lives of the children.

Children begin their Sunday School learning at the age of four years. The students are divided into classes according to their ages – Nursery, Beginner, Primary, Junior, Intermediate and Senior. By the time the children complete their course, they have acquired a sound knowledge of the Bible, faith, practice and doctrines of the church. A group of 10 dedicated duty-bound teachers and about 60-plus children with parents and elders, under the able guidance of the Vicar, forms the Chembur Sunday School.

At the Chembur Sunday school, classes are held every Sunday before the worship service with lively singing sessions at 8am sharp.  Apart from the regular classes, many other events are conducted to keep the kids enthusiastic, all round the year.

Talent Competitions are held at Parish, Centre, and the Diocese-levels, that enables our children to showcase their talents. Our Sunday School has won the over-all ‘Rolling trophy’ for the three consecutive years.

The Vacation Bible School is organized during the Diwali holidays. The ten days of VBS is a time of celebration, learning new songs, action songs, Biblical lessons and the biographies of great Christian leaders that help the children to renew their faith in Lord Jesus Christ. The Love Feast and the final day programme makes the VBS a colorful event altogether.

The Sunday School holds Annual exams and the Birudh exams on a yearly basis to evaluate what the children have learnt the whole year. Our children have also been performing excellently at the Birudh exams conducted by the Samajam.

World Sunday School Day is observed with great enthusiasm on 1st Sunday of November, every year, with the children taking initiative in all parts of the church service.

In addition, our Sunday School is also an active participant in the various projects organized by Mumbai Mar Thoma Sunday School Samajam from time to time. One such project is the ‘Save A Little Heart’, wherein, the money collected is sent to the diocesan office which is utilized for saving the lives of under-privileged children suffering from heart ailments.

Our Sunday School children also take active participation in the Christmas Carol Service, held every year. Songs and skits are presented under the able guidance of the Church Choir Master. Door-to-door carol singing was also arranged a year before. The children have a great time during these festive occasions. An event arranged by the department Of Sacred Music and Communications, a musical section of the Mar Thoma Samajam, held at Vashi, recently, witnessed our Chembur Sunday School children performing a tableau along with a light dance number. This indeed was another feather on our cap.

All in all, at the Sunday School, we, the teachers and the children are a family. The teachers strive to inculcate in the children the Biblical principles, thus encouraging them to grow up as responsible Christians, ready to face challenges in real life, to win the battles against the powers of darkness in the world with Christ on their side.

Mrs. Reena George
